
Randi Clemens

Writer, Editor, & Educator

Randi Clemens is a poet, editor, and educator who lives in Michigan. She received her BA in Creative Writing from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and her MFA in poetry from Northern Michigan University where she also taught composition and creative writing.

Her poetry has been published in various online journals and has been nominated for Best of the Net. She has worked as an editor for Ninth Letter and served as the Managing Editor of Passages North. Currently, she works in Social Media Content Creation and Marketing and is an Associate Editor for Lammergeier Magazine. She is interested in contemporary poetry, science writing, museum studies, feminist literary theory, women and gender studies, visual poetics, and social justice pedagogy. Her debut chapbook, Conjuring a Ghost & Other Ways to Ruin Your Teeth, was published with Harvard Square Press in 2022. She is actively seeking a home for her full-length manuscript and freelance opportunities as a creative consultant and/or editor.

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